Test of premorbid functioning norms
Test of premorbid functioning norms

The NART-R, published in 1989, was designed for use in the United States and Canada. There are two versions of the NART devised for use in North America both feature a modified word list and re-standardization of predicted IQ. The British NART was re-standardized in 1991 to enable calculation of predicted IQ on the newer WAIS-R and again in 2016 to provide premorbid estimates on the most recent WAIS-IV. This suggests that the NART can be used as a hold test, as a proxy for premorbid intelligence. Researchers from this study demonstrated that the correlation between NART scores and age 11 IQ was moderately high at 0.60. However, the Lothian Birth Cohort Study has such data. The NART is widely used in research settings because a measure of premorbid intelligence is rarely available. The manual includes equations for converting NART scores to predicted IQ scores on the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale. "aisle"), so as to test the participant's vocabulary rather than their ability to apply regular pronunciation rules. The test comprises 50 written words in British English which all have irregular spellings (e.g. The NART was developed by Hazel Nelson in the 1980s in Britain and published in 1982. Such tests are called hold tests as these abilities are thought to be spared, or "held" following neurological injury or decline. Status of completion of an assessment, such as a case report from (CRF), instrument, scale, computer assessment, etc.Ī free text related to "Assessment completion status" specifying completion details.The National Adult Reading Test (NART) is a widely accepted and commonly used method in clinical settings for estimating premorbid intelligence levels of English-speaking patients with dementia in neuropsychological research and practice. Source of the data provided on the case report form The free-text field related to Data source specifying other text. The free-text related to ContextType specifying other text The context to which the questions were answered administration ISO code' specifying other text. The free-text field related to 'Language used for CRF/instrument/scale/etc. Language form administration ISO code other text Code (ISO 639-2) for the language that was used for CRF/instrument/scale/etc.

Test of premorbid functioning norms